Congratulations Graduate Student Summer Funding Recipients
Mazalit Haim, New York University
“Between Lament and Hope: Affect and Politics in the Work of Y. H. Brenner and Yehuda Amichai”
Sara Halpern, Ohio State University
“Goodbye, Shanghai!: The Emigration of European Jewish Families, 1945-1951”
Jordan R. Katz, Columbia University
“‘Wise Women’: Religion, Medicine and the Boundaries of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, 1650-1800”
Charles A. McDonald, New School for Social Research
“Return to Sepharad: Jewish Revivalism and the Pragmatics of Inclusion in Spain”
Ming Hui Pan, Concordia University
“Golden Age of the Harbin Jewish Community under Chinese Rule, 1917-31”
Eleanor Shapiro, Graduate Theological Union
“Performing Jewishness: Jewish Cultural Festivals in Polish Small Towns”