Posted in Announcements

AAJR Fellows Win at National Jewish Book Council

AAJR Fellows Win at National Jewish Book Council Posted on January 31, 2021

Warmest congratulations to AAJR Fellows who have won honors from the National Jewish Book Council for their most recent books:

Arthur Green won the 2020 NJBC award in the category of Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice for Judaism for the World: Reflec­tions on God, Life, and Love (Yale Uni­ver­si­ty Press).

Michael Meyer was a finalist for the 2020 NJBC award in the category of biography for Rab­bi Leo Baeck: Liv­ing a Reli­gious Imper­a­tive in Trou­bled Times (Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia Press).

Magda Teter won the 2020 NJBC award in the category of Writing Based on Archival Material forBlood Libel: On the Trail of an Anti­se­mit­ic Myth (Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty Press).