Richard Steiner

Richard Steiner
Emeritus Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures
Bernard Revel Graduate School, Yeshiva University


Selected Publications

The Case for Fricative-Laterals in Proto-Semitic. American Oriental Series, 59. New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Society, 1977.

Affricated Ṣade in the Semitic Languages. AAJR Monograph Series, 3. New York: American Academy for Jewish Research, 1982.

Stockmen from Tekoa, Sycomores from Sheba: A Study of Amos’ Occupations. CBQ Monograph Series, 36. Washington DC: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2003.

A Biblical Translation in the Making: The Evolution and Impact of Saadia Gaon’s Tafsīr. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies, 2010.

Early Northwest Semitic Serpent Spells in the Pyramid Texts. Harvard Semitic Series, 61. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2011.

Disembodied Souls: The Nefesh in Israel and Kindred Spirits in the Ancient Near East, with an Appendix on the Katumuwa Inscription.. Ancient Near East Monographs, 11. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature Press, 2015.